We did end up with all migrants, though. Two Catbirds and a Common Yellowthroat. The morning was a little chilly it turned out to be a perfect day, weather-wise.
Both of our Catbirds turned out to be adult birds. The Fall seems to get us nothing but juveniles.
It was also nice to see another Yellowthroat. It has been about 2 months since our last one.
Meanwhile, Richard made one of the bird boxes a little more accessible for any Wood Ducks that might want to call it home.
Over at the fishing pier, Tree Swallows filled the air scooping up the emerging midges. So gorgeous to watch, so hard to photograph!
Braving the hundreds of streaking Swallows was a Wood Stork heading for a quieter wading spot.
Teasing us just across the river was a huge feeding flocks which consisted mainly of Myrtle Warblers but >Kinglets, Goldfinches, Cardinals, Gnatcatchers and more was part of the feeding frenzy. They just would not grant us an audience even though our nets were waiting a mere 30 yards directly across from them.
Oh, well. At least we can watch the flowers bloom.
Bad weather (storms and high winds) still projected into the morning.
Next Banding Day: Sunday, April 5th.
We will open nets around 6:45 A.M.
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