Things were rather quiet. Even the dawn chorus was subdued. Did hear one of the Barred Owls calling out near the lake but not until dawn proper. The usually boisterous Carolina Wrens and Cardinals were also oddly quiet.
However, we did capture a new and recaptured Wren and a young Cardinal by the end of the day.
The main focus was on new migrants and we did catch one!
All the way down at Net 10, Charles got a Louisiana Waterthrush! He also reported that there was a second nearby by but it avoided the nets.
Here is another angle.
That was satisfying enough for our first, and rather hot and humid, day back at the banding site.
A plus was this new caterpillar found under the tarp where Carpenter Ants has set up home.
Anyone know what the heck it is? My searches have revealed nothing.
NOTE: Friend Randy Snyder IDs the caterpillar as a Virginia Tiger Moth. Excellent!
Next Banding Day: Sunday, August 16th.
We will open nets around 6:15 A.M.
The usually boisterous Carolina Wrens and Cardinals were also oddly quiet.
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