We did get a recaptured Brown Thrasher but the most fun was a new Tufted Titmouse down near the pier.
We also caught another Wintering Catbird today. Only spot we have recaptured Catbirds over all of these years.
One of the more interesting discoveries was that we have a new member of the family around. We knew there was a new Barred Owl chick across the river and it spent a good part of the morning staring back at us.
Further observation revealed that there are actually TWO chicks hiding up in that tree.
Sure to be some busy parents finding food some which will keep us on our toes during the netting efforts.
Meanwhile, insects continue to emerge more than ever. Nice to see some new colors like this Lady Beetle show up when Maria was looking.
Later, Susan found a Spicebush Swallowtail resting along the trail. Many butterflies are flying now that the weather has taken a warmer turn.
Finally, the crew found a cocoon along the trail and brought it back to the banding table. We will watch it it for the insect to emerge later.
Birds are moving back North. Hope to get more for banding next week.
Next Banding Day: Sunday, April 4th.
We will open nets by 6:50 A.M.