Richard and Christine head to the end to begin the next watering rounds. We now have nearly 60 native plants which are all doing well so far.
Summer flowers are blooming. Near Net 8 there are a bunch of St. Andrew's Cross (left) and St. John's Wort.
The never-ending process of weed control continued. Frank brought over some spray and we hit the unwanted plants hard.
Meanwhile, Andrew hacked away at any plants that would interfere with the nets by clearing things out from between the net poles.
A good find by Net 10. One of the Wax Myrtles is loaded with berries already! Maybe we can get some Myrtle Warblers this year.
The only dangerous part of the day was when Andrew nearly stepped on a Coral Snake on the way out. Cute but deadly.
A lot of birds around. More than 2 weeks ago. A good sign. Reports are already filtering of migrating warblers entering the state. Hope we can get off to a great start next week. Time to oil up the pliers!!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, August 7th.
All nets will be opened by 6:20 A.M.