The next bird was more interesting. We first banded this Carolina Wren two and a half years ago as a juvenile. It was captured both times in the same the same time of morning. Guess we know its territory.
A few more Myrtle Warblers are moving in but they are staying high in the branches. We had some overcast patches of sky which made for some difficult photography.
At one point in the morning Lynn was focused on a Downy Woodpecker behind Net 21. Andrew joined in and took nearly a hundred shots of this male which was busily drumming on vines and branches.
It seldom stayed still so it was amazing that any of the shots turned out at all. We could show you 90 photos that are blurry but maybe you might want to put in a special request.
The bright red feathers on the head indicate that it is a male Downy Woodpecker.
Lynn also found a Golden-Silk Spider earlier in the day. A much more accommodating subject.
Out near the edge of the lake, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers chased one another and snatched up insects in the Primrose Willow stand.
Over on the marsh side a Swamp Sparrow sneaks up behind an Eastern Phoebe.
Back in the oaks, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker makes holes in the bark to lure in bugs for a snack.
The River Otters have been leaving tracks around for the past couple of weeks and today Chris got a shot of one stuffing its face with a tasty snail.
Who do we have here? A Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Wearing some fairly new jewelry, too! This bird was probably banded this session and is sticking around for the Winter.
Back at the table, Becki processed another recaptured Gray Catbird. For some reason it decided to stay in her hand for a while before heading back into the woods.
Our last bird of the morning turned out to be the Bird-of-the-Day. A Blue-headed Vireo. We have been hearing and seeing a few lately but they are not often captured. A great end to the morning.
We will not be banding next Sunday since everyone will be scattered about for the Christmas weekend making this our last banding day of 2015. So, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year! Here is to a wonderful 2016 full of birds and Nature for all! Festivals are not too far away and then the Spring migration. Hope to see some of you soon.
NOTE: We will also not be banding next Sunday, January 3rd, due to a forecast of all-day rain.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, January 10th.
All nets will be opened by 6:50 A.M.