Sunday, October 31, 2021

Fairly Quiet.

The morning set up was very quiet. Oddly quiet, in fact. No bird chips. No insects. No frogs. Just a seldom rush of trucks passing by along the 414. It was almost unsettling, to be honest.

Then, just before dawn, the birds awoke and we began our day with a few new House Wrens to band.

House Wren

Next up was a female Indigo Bunting.

Indigo Bunting

Other Buntings were being heard, including Painteds, but we only ended our streak with a male captured near the spot where the female was netted.

Indigo Bunting

Common Yellowthroats were very vocal today. Unfortunately, most were just across the river and feeding on the banks.

Common Yellowthroat

The Ovenbirds are getting more and more scarce, but we did manage to get one today. Still a favorite among all to witness.


Throw in a Carolina Wren and we called it a day. Overall, a nice October for us.

A major cold front is on the way (in Florida terms) and we should be seeing much cooler weather in November. Can't wait to start hearing Robins, Goldfinches, and Butterbutts on the property.

Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Common Yellowthroat 1 0 1
Indigo Bunting 2 0 2
Carolina Wren 0 1 1
House Wren 4 0 4
Ovenbird 1 0 1
Totals 8 1 9

NOTE: Fall Back! Daylight saving time (is this still a thing?) happens Sunday in the AM. Set those clocks back one hour.
NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, November 7th.
All nets will be opened by 6:15 A.M.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Bunch of Recaps

Warm weather winds are flowing back into the area with a strong bright moon overhead for the past few days. Seems like most migrating birds are taking advantage of the conditions and moving on. Which probably explains why we did not have too many new birds arriving. Almost all of our captured birds were recaptures.

One of the first new birds was a Gray Catbird and later followed up by a recapture.

Gray Catbird

Next up was a Northern Cardinal Jenny banded earlier in the Spring.

Northern Cardinal

Then we got a juvenile male Common Yellowthroat.

Common Yellowthroat

Not including photos of the few House wrens, but you know what they look like, right?

We did get a few Carolina Wrens as we walked the lanes and wondered where all of the warblers were.

Carolina Wren

Eastern Phoebes were calling up and down the area all day and we finally got a new one today.

Eastern Phoebe

Our final bird of the day was a recaptured Ovenbird actually banded several years ago. Nice to have you back again! This is one of the things we are recording with site fidelity research.


Though the numbers were less than the past few weeks, it was a nice mix.

It wil be the 2nd time we have banded on a Halloween morning in 13 years. Lets see what tricks or treats we get as a cold front moves in Thursday and drops temperatures lasting into next week. Bring your jackets Sunday.

Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Common Yellowthroat 1 0 1
Eastern Phoebe 1 0 1
Northern Cardinal 0 1 1
Gray Catbird 1 1 2
Carolina Wren 2 1 3
House Wren 1 1 2
Ovenbird 0 1 1
Totals 6 5 11

NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 31st.
All nets will be opened by 7:05 A.M.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Ahhhh...No Humidity.

The forecast was for a beautiful morning with winds increasing later into the morning. However, winds were starting up well before dawn. Could this knock down our count today? Actually, no. A nice surprising set of birds before we left.

We started getting birds early and usually we would have a ton of photos. Except, some dum dum forgot his point and shoot on the charger. So, there were no photos of the early birds. We did catch a lot of Common Yellowthoats and House Wrens, but our first photo was a nice Swainson's Thrush.

Swainson's Thrush

Other birds were brought in before Connie got a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. We tried to get a photo before we released it (we do not have a permit to band them) but it took off as sson as she opened her hands. Oh, well. Search the sidebar for Hummingbird photos in the past.

We captured a few Catbirds and then had a nice migrant.
A female Black-and-White Warbler.

Black-and-White Warbler

Kate was returning with a bird and reported a bird in Net 7. She did not want to try to extract it (do it, Kate!) and it turned out to be a Northern Waterthrush.

Northern Waterthrush

We got a new Ovenbird just as time was running down for the session. Then we began to take down nets. Reaching Net 14, we found a new male Downy Woodpecker waiting for some new jewlery.

Downy Woodpecker

Just down the lane, Connie was closing Net 17 and discovered a new Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Weather is getting drier for a bit. Maybe a little more moisture by next weekend, but it does not look like any kind of a washout. Mayby more Buntings? Stay tuned.

Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Common Yellowthroat 5 0 5
Painted Bunting 1 0 1
Northern Waterthrush 1 0 1
Downy Woodpecker 1 0 1
Gray Catbird 3 0 3
Carolina Wren 0 2 2
House Wren 4 1 5
Swainson's Thrush 1 0 1
Ovenbird 1 0 1
Black-throated Blue Warbler 1 0 1
Totals 19 3 22

NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 24th.
All nets will be opened by 7:00 A.M.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Bit of Migration

It was a beautifully cooler morning as we headed out to see what the winds would bring us. Birdcast predicted a large migration for the overnight, but you have to add in that a lot of birds on the move are probably waterfowl and not necessarily all of the land birds we look forward to. However, it was a pretty good migrant day today.

Things started well as Connie brought in a female Painted Bunting.

Painted Bunting

Next up was one of our first Common Yellowthroats today. This was an adult male.

Common Yellowthroat

We caught few House Wrens throughout the morning.

House Wren

Despite the number of species, we only got one Ovenbird.


Indigo Buntings are arriving in larger numbers. We got 3 today.

Indigo Bunting

Gray Catbirds were heard around the property but we only got one of them.

Gray Catbird

Next up was another adult male Common Yellowthroat.

Common Yellowthroat

Carolina Wrens are emerging from the brush again and we caught adults and juveniles banded earlier in the year.

Carolina Wren

A big suprise today was a fairly late juvenile Veery. Typically, this species is the first Thrushes to arrive a month or so earlier. This guy is moving through a little late.


An adult Carolina Wren was finally captured after a few juvenile recaps.

Carolina Wren

Bird of the Day was reserved for the first Belted Kingfisher we have caught since 2015. We also caught 4 the year before.

Belted Kingfisher

We did recapture a juvenile White-eyed Vireo as the morning began to wear down. It was a bird we first banded in September.

White-eyed Vireo

The rest of the day was filled with Northern Cardinals. First up was a juvenile, noted by the black still remaining on the bill.

Northern Cardinal

The next two birds were unbanded adults. Like this male...

Northern Cardinal

...and a female just after that. Where are these new birds from? Been around for a year or so or new residents?

Northern Cardinal

Hoping we can keep these numbers up for a while. Of course, it depends on the weather. We are ready for any scenario.

Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Common Yellowthroat 5 0 5
Painted Bunting 1 0 1
Northern Cardinal 2 1 3
White-eyed Vireo 0 1 1
Indigo Bunting 3 0 3
Gray Catbird 4 1 5
Carolina Wren 2 2 4
House Wren 4 0 4
Veery 1 0 1
Ovenbird 1 0 1
Belted Kingfisher 1 0 1
Totals 24 5 29

NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 17th.
All nets will be opened by 7:00 A.M.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Nice October Start

Wondering if the first of the month might yeild our peak numbers as they use to many years ago. The past few have been rather hit or miss and lately arriving late. Today was kind of a mix. First bird of the day was an Ovenbird, so at least we started with a migrant.


Later, we recaptuered another Ovenbird, too. The next bird up was one of our recaptured Carolina Wrens.

Carolina Wren

A few weeks ago we had a slew of Common Yellowthroats and then they dispursed for a couple of weeks. Today, we had the next wave. The first was an adult male.

Common Yellowthroat

It was soon followed up by an adult female.

Common Yellowthroat

Another adult female was next. This one had an interesting reddish wash to the breast.

Common Yellowthroat

Andrew was heading down the lanes and approached Connie as she was signaling him to come closer to Net 10. She did not want to try to extract the Barred Owl that had flown in. We got that bird out and prepared to release it.

Barred Owl

Jenny heard the news and ran down for an opportunity to hold the bird, too. She enjoys the smells of raptors (don't ask) and we all agreed it smelled of the woods. She released it toward the far side of the property.

Barred Owl

The Common Yellowthroats kept coming in and the next one was another adult male.

Common Yellowthroat

Next, was a second year male. Notice the difference between the previous bird and this one and look at the not completely formed mask.

Common Yellowthroat

A recaptuered Tufted Titmouse was brought in soon. This bird was first banded 3 1/2 years ago when we captured the entire family at once..

Tufted Titmouse

Gray Catbirds were heard again early, but it took several hours before we caught 2 today.

Gray Catbird

One more Common Yellowthroat got jewerly as we headed toward shut down.

Common Yellowthroat

We were wondering where the House Wrens were when we finally got one as we began to ponder closing up.

House Wren

We had been seeing several Painted Buntings flying about today. Especially after Connie saw a male bounce out of Net 13 earlier. We saw more near the table and the grasses are prime for feeding buntings heading into the month. Then we got a female as our last bird to end the morning.

Painted Bunting

So, birds are beginning to stream through as migration ramps up and we can't wait until next weekend to see the birds that show up next.

Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Common Yellowthroat 10 0 10
Ovenbird 1 1 2
Tufted Titmouse 0 1 1
House Wren 1 0 1
Gray Catbird 2 0 2
Carolina Wren 0 1 1
Barred Owl 1 0 1
Painted Bunting 1 0 1
Totals 16 3 19

NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 10th.
All nets will be opened by 6:55 A.M.