We arrived to a light fog and waited for our visitors from the North Shore Birding Festival. It was a good thing that they arrived on time right after sunrise as we only caught 3 birds today and all of them were captured before 8 AM.
Our first bird was a new Gray Catbird.

Just when we were going to do a tour of the property the last two birds were brought to the table. The first one was a recaptured House Wren. This bird was first banded in October and was just recaptured last week and then again today.

With limited birds in hand today, we at least got to let willing visitors release all of them. Even a humble House Wren brings joy to anyone releasing them.

Our final bird was a new adult Hermit Thrush. As we tell ourselves and visitors, the easiest way to ID a Hermit Thrush from similar Thrushes is "Tail, tail, tail!". Hermits have distictive rufus tail coloring instead of other Thrush tails that are more uniform brown overall.

The tour group headed to the Lake Lotus boardwalks to conclude their day as we continued to try for more birds. Not much was happening anywhere today. Super quiet. Birds go where they want to...
As we closed nets, we noticed the first American Alligator we have actually seen since last year after we had the mating pair just past the banding table. Today, the water was very murky for some reason (some construction upstream?) but this younger gator popped up for a bit before we left.

We always hate that we have so few birds during a scheduled event, but it was a very quiet day. Robins should be heard all morning but they were not around at all. We did manage to find few migrants while trying to catch birds such as White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Myrtle Warbler (first of the season), and a very bright Prairie Warbler. Nothing else was moving, though.
Would not be surprised that we have a more interesting day next week. Stay tuned.
Today's Totals
Birds Processed |
New |
Recaptured |
Total |
Gray Catbird |
1 |
0 |
1 |
House Wren |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Hermit Thrush |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Totals |
2 |
1 |
3 |
NOTE: Due to the new CDC recommendations, if you are fully vaccinated you are not required to wear masks, esp. at outdoor events such as ours. Get your shots and come on out. Otherwise, bring a mask. All current members at Lake Lotus are fully Vac'ed.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, December 12th.
All nets will be opened by 6:40 A.M.