Back to work after a quick vacation. Then you get to the gate and find it pulled it as far as it could be with the chain. Something was trying to get out in the past couple of weeks. It means something in the back of the brain...
No sign of a problem at the table so we set to work.
Then, appoaching Net 7... Yep. A bear has been here. Downed logs were torn asunder and the pole was bent to the ground.

Then at Net 12. Net 9 was shoved a bit, too. We could move that back into place for now but the others would have to be replaced after sunrise.

Our first bird of the day was a Gray Catbird just after light.

Next up was a Northern Waterthrush on its way back to breeding grounds during migration. Right on time, according to our records.

Another Gray Catbird hit the nets and Phyllis's husband got to get his "I Released a Banded Bird" sticker before he headed home.

A nice surpise was a new Worm-eating Warbler on its way home.

Our mascot of the day was an Opossum that wandered up on the fallen oak from the last hurricane. It stayed there until we all managed to leave the area for a while.

We then captured a male Northern Parula with a brood patch. Babies are soon to follow.

Another Northern Waterthrush hit the nets and Andrew had another land at his feet shortly afterwards. They are on the move.

A recaptured female Northern Cardinal is showing signs of breeding also.

Heading toward the lake, Golden Aster are blooming like crazy.

Lake Flowers are blooming along the river and into the lake.

As Andrew got to the edge of the lake, a large alligator flushed as the waters are warming. Might be the last time we head out there for safety. Still, it is always nice to view the Window-on-the-Lake through the Willows for the last time until the next hurricane or the Winter cold.

A nice surprise was this Ovenbird. They arrive here early in the Fall and are now on their way back North.

Net 25 has been quiet for a while, so it was nice to get a recaptured Tufted Titmouse there today.

Migration is about to turn, hopefully, and we look forward to getting some fun birds on thier way back. Weather will help or hinder this month.
Speaking of which, we are keeping an eye on next weekend. Might be raining. Check back before heading out next Sunday. We need the rain and it would not hurt our feelings if it did rain us out.
Today's Totals
Birds Processed |
New |
Recaptured |
Total |
Northern Parula |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Ovenbird |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Worm-eating Wabler |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Gray Catbird |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Northern Waterthrush |
2 |
0 |
2 |
Tufted Titmouse |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Northern Cardinal |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Totals |
7 |
2 |
9 |
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 9th.
All nets will be opened by 6:50 A.M.