As usual, we recaptured a Carolina Wren.
Plus, we banded a new local in the form of a White-eyed Vireo.
House Wren numbers are even picking up. They are being reported widely throughout the state this week.
Still capturing Indigo Buntings. Today we had both sexes represented. First up was a male.
Always a lovely bird to witness even without being in breeding plumage.
Later in the morning we were graced with the arrival of a female Bunting.
We caught two Eastern Pheobes today in different stretches of the net lanes. Food must be abundant!
After a long draught of this species we finally caught a new American Redstart as we prepared to shut down for the morning.
A familiar sight to most birders staring up through the tree canopy. The spread tail of the Redstart.
As for the returning 'jewel', we caught and banded our first Ruby-crowned Kinglet of the season. Time to get used to their machine gun chattering in the area for the foreseeable future.
So cute. Now we await some males with their brilliant crests.
Clocks go back next week. More birds should be on the move heading toward Winter.
Next Banding Day: Sunday, November 1st.
Remember Daylight Savings Time! Fall back.
We will open nets by 6:00 A.M.
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