We were watching a lot of good birds flying by or feeding in the treetops before we began catching birds. One of the first was another young Carolina Wren. Adult feathers are on the way.
Soon, we had a striking example of an adult Red-eyed Vireo.
Just before that we had the Bird-of-the-Day earlier than expected. Our first Acadian Flycatcher to band at Lake Lotus!
It took us a bit to make sure what we were staring at. Flycatchers are hard. Plus, the Eastern Wood Pewee was seen right near the spot where this bird was captured so we had to work to shake that ID out of our minds.
After measuring wings and tail feathers and bill size it became clear this was an Acadian. A great catch for us all.
Later, the crew processes another new capture.
Over the river, Maria noticed one of the many Ruby-throated Hummingbirds feeding around the Virginia Creepers.
We always have our share of laughter out at the site but this was a special moment. We captured a Mourning Dove, our 4th at this location, and banded her as is normal. She was then handed off to Maggie for release. Instead of flying off she just sat in Maggie's hand.
Andrew joked that maybe she should place the bird on her shoulder or head. Maggie complied. So did the dove! It soon flew off back up the net lanes.
It wasn't too long before we got another great bird. A male American Redstart.
This gorgeous bird was as bright a spot in the day as its plumage. It was also carrying a ton of fat. Migrants are increasing daily.
Closing out the birds for the day was another excellent catch. A male Black-throated Blue Warbler. Always a joy.
Other images of the day included this fresh looking Clouded Skipper hanging out on the grasses...
...a nice cropping of fungi (loads of fungi are sprouting up thanks to all of the rains of late)...
...and as we were closing up nets to head home we found this orange katydid. Of the genus Amblycorypha, this species is usually green but in rare cases is a more pink-orange in coloration.
A nice end to an interesting day. Hurricane Earl should pass us by this week and change up the winds for next week. Should be about time for our first Veery of the season soon. Can't wait.
Next Banding Day: Sunday, September 5th.
All nets will be opened by 6:35 A.M.
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