It was a little slower today but we were still getting the expected migrants, such as the Gray Catbirds. Here, Grayson watches while Andrew bands our first Catbird of the morning.
Maggie got a really pretty photo of the Catbird. We enjoy them now but for how long? Soon they will be so common that we will become disinterested. At least from overexposure. We will miss them when they depart.
Common Yellowthroats were again the main species today. All ranges of plumage again and the males are always so brilliant in color.
We enjoy looking at the color changes from bill to crown of these adult males.
At times we forget how attractive the females are, too. When you stop to look at them they really are more olive on their backs. In flight they seem just a brown blur.
Thrushes are fewer this year so it is always exciting to band one in between the more common birds right now.
Most warblers stay higher up this time of year so it is great to get a specimen like this female Black-throated Blue Warbler.
Sometimes confusing in the field, Black-throated Blue Warblers are quickly identified by their 'window' on their wings.
Continuing our catches from yesterday were more House Wrens. They can now be heard in the bushes around the banding area, as well.
A first of the season bird was caught today. We were just talking about Eastern Phoebes and here we got the first one to arrive for the Winter. They will increase in numbers soon.
As things were winding down and the winds were picking up the gang found a surprise in the trees besides some birds. A Black Racer was hanging in the branches next to Net 5! An awesome sight.
Winds are continuing to head in from the North. Could reduce the number of birds for next week since they are being ushered out very easily right now. Wintering birds should arrive shortly.
We also have more plants to install provided from our ranger friends across the river. Always something to do!
Next Banding Day: Sunday, October 10th.
All nets will be opened by 6:50 A.M.
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