We also netted a few of our other locals, including some Carolina Wrens. No babies yet but nesting adults.
There was a sad discovery along the way. The tree where we found Downy Woodpeckers last week had been broken off during a strong storm that swept through during the week. We found the broken branch where the nest was but no sign of any young birds. Hope they made it out in time.
The adult female was still nearby and seemed to be excavating a new hole or two.
Overhead, in the other direction, a Northern Parula finds a new meal.
A couple of trees down, a fledgling Red-shouldered Hawk calls out for more food.
Richard brought back a couple of Red-winged Blackbirds for us. A male and female. The female was an adult.
We quickly noticed an unusual thing about our new lady. She had only one talon. All of the others were missing. No clue how or when. It was an otherwise completely healthy bird.
Our male was a first Spring bird. Almost in full adult plumage, it still has markings of a younger Red-winged Blackbird.
We end our day with one of our newly fledged Northern Cardinals.
Here is hoping that the weather holds for our final day of Session 4. If it is as good as today then it will be a great way to end before the real heat sets in and we will prepare for Session 5.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, May 27th.
All nets will be opened by 6:00 A.M.
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