Soon, Becky had a House Wren caught near the banding table.
Meanwhile, just behind the banding table, Susan got a Hermit Thrush.
Down near the tangerine tree, we recaptured a male Northern Cardinal that we seem to catch every 2 or 3 weeks. Seems his territory is set.
We also recaptured a White-eyed Vireo. Strange thing is how we tend to get so many recaptures this time of year. Last year and this year, all but 2 of the birds caught were recaps. Guess it illustrates how migration is over for the most part.
Right next to where the Cardinal was captured, Greg extracted a female Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Many were around. We kept hoping to talk down one of the Carolina Chickadees that were flying back and forth but it was not to be today.
Out near the lake, we caught yet another female Painted Bunting. Where are those males?
Also out at the lake, a Tricolored Heron flew in to check out the banders as they scanned the open water.
We saw several Hooded Mergansers flying over the lake. They may have been on their way to the ponds nearby where other Mergansers have been for little while. Andrew stopped by those ponds on the way home and got a photo of one of the females after the banding session.
We also recaptured a Brown Thrasher. Several feeding flocks were seen today but they stayed high in the treetops. Perhaps we can have them swoop lower next week.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, December 2nd.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.