Guess a check on the palette bridges is in order. On the way to the lake, Ranger Frank was found installing the new dock after dismantling the damaged one from a few months ago.
Behind Net 18 a Snowy Egret lept from log to log to pluck small prey from the water.
Andrew found the first palette in place and as he stepped on it a large splash jolted him from the right. One of our American Alligators thrashed in the marsh but did not disappear this time. We have several gators in the area lately. Some question if they are male or female. This 9-footer by the lake is from here on out known as Leslie. Gender to be determined.
15 yards along, behind Net 21, the male Red-winged Blackbird we posted before was still back and calling in the Maples.
Things seem to be in order for next week's return of banding at Lotus. If the weather is not as wet as currently predicted.
TWO NOTES: We are not banding on March 1st due to forecast rain. Also, the following week is Daylight Savings Time so set your clocks FORWARD one hour.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, March 8th.
All nets will be opened by 7:15 A.M.
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