Still, we had to prepare for Sunday. As Andrew was removing the tarp at the table, a Carolina Wren bolted from below and sat on a nearby perch and began to call. Maybe he is setting up house where they did last year. In a watering pot below the table.
Heading toward the lake, a Bald Eagle circled overhead.
While trying to check the lake further, Andrew happened on a couple of Cuban Anoles facing of for a territorial showdown. The younger lizard was to the left..
Meanwhile, the older Cuban Anole claimed the branch to the right. They often have a more pronounced crest.
One the way out of the property, an American Alligator climbed out to sun on the opposite side of Net 13. Probably Pat.
The next morning we began our net checks and a familiar Spring sound was heard. A male Common Yellowthroat was chipping after being snared in Net 13. We had almost forgotten that now is the time to start seeing migrating Yellowthroats.
Fortunately, our guests were arriving and they got to see the bird being banded. Gill and François were allowed to release the bird.
As this bird was being banded, Bill, who had heard about us through our day at Birdapalooza, arrived. This was also a Life Bird for him and we all toured the site throughout the morning.
Soon, we captured a House Wren. This was definitely the same bird we captured last week and released at the net as it was very tangled and we did not band it them to ensure its safety. Seems that this is its Winter home for now and can now show off a new piece of jewelry.
Our final catch of the day was a Ruby-throated Hummingbird. As mentioned before, we cannot legally band Ruby-throated Hummingbirds so we got a shot and released it back into the same are. They hang around the blooming trees here from time to time and it is a joy to hold one for a brief moment.
Spring migration is about to gear up and we are looking forward to getting more finds along the way. The other notable bird of the day was a Louisiana Waterthrush that was prowling the river most of the morning as we all got great looks at it but were unable to coax it into a net or get a photo. Perhaps next Sunday.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, March 22nd.
All nets will be opened by 7:00 A.M.
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