...but just before Net 21 things were mired in muck and more water. The trip to the net was daunting but eventually worth it as we will reveal at the end of the post. Wet feet were in order early on once more.
Kieran had the banding duties today on his final visit of his trip and we had a few Common Yellowthroats early on. All were female.
We also had a recaptured Carolina Wren that we banded in August. The young bird seems to be living right next to Net 2 and we catch it nearly every week now. Ovenbirds were due and, sure enough, they began hitting the nets.
Andrew got a surprise photo of Kieran as he examined our first Ovenbird. He calls them his favorite of the North American passerines. Glad we could get a couple for him to see and hold.
He even got to band our second one a little later. Ovenbirds are stout, cute little birds with an orange stripe across the top of their heads.
Spiny Orb Weavers are not unusual to see during the day. What was unusual about this one was how fast it built this intricate web which was anchored to a tree on the right and to Net 6 on the left. It might have gone unnoticed if not for a shaft of sunlight creating a web bow.
What time is it? Lynn's Nature Corner, of course! First up was a fly perched on the bloom of a Spanish Needle.
A gorgeous wasp was found clinging to a blade of grass. Don't recognize the species.
A Leafhopper joined us with wet feet of its own.
As did a tiny weevil.
Things were growing quite later in the morning and it seemed like we were not going to catch much else today. Then Andrew watched as a Red-Eyed Vireo flew directly into Net 9. They typically stay high in the treetops so it is a pleasant surprise whenever we get one to band.
Susan spotted something writhing on the ground as we headed back to the table with our last bird. Seems like someone tread upon a Glass Lizard. There are four species of glass lizards found in Florida, all belonging to the scientific genus Ophisaurus. We released it back into the woods hoping it would recover.
Our last bird was captured at Net 21 that we mentioned was worth muddy feet. Last year at this time we captured our first ever Worm-eating Warbler. This makes our third.
Fronts are going to be fluctuating all over the place next week. Wish any luck we can have some dry air usher in clearer conditions and more migrants. Should be time for Catbirds.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, September 27th.
All nets will be opened by 6:45 A.M.
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