Just after sunrise we began our day with a recaptured Ovenbird.
House Wrens are still streaming in and we captured several this morning.
Gray Catbirds, too, are remaining active and adding to our daily count.
Common Yellowthroats are calling from the river's edge but few were flying about today. In fact, there were not a lot of birds seen in flight aside from a few flocks of Indigo Buntings popping in and out of the grasses from time to time. Tufted Titmice and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were seen in small feeding flocks, as well.
We finally began hearing Ruby-crowned Kinglets calling from the treetops. Just when we wondering if we would get one we did in Net #16. Her traveling companion also hit the net but escaped.
A Brown Thrasher and a couple of Palm warblers also escaped before we could reach them but our final bird of the day made up for it. A juvenile male Black-throated Blue Warbler. Usually we only catch adult males so this youngster was a nice surprise. You can tell younger males by the white feathers on the throat which will become fully black before too long.
Checking for new Wintering ducks on the way home Andrew noticed some bubbles in the retention pond. Instead of a diving duck surfacing he was greeted to a pair of Otters! This is the first time they were seen here but otters actually roam all over the area moving from lake to lake.
A slower but pleasant morning in Altamonte Springs. We should be hearing Robins returning any day now which leads to the return of Hermit Thrushes and Cedar Waxwings with American Goldfinches, ducks, and Yellow-rumped Warblers bringing up the rear during migration.
NOTE: Daylight Savings happens next weekend! Remember to "Fall Back" one hour Sunday morning.
Next (planned) Banding Days: Sunday, November 1st.
All nets will be opened by 6:10 A.M.
Some cracking birds of late Andrew, been great reading the blog, keep up the good work.