Becky had the pleasure of handling the Northern Cardinal today.
We did catch a new Gray Catbird. They are not as evident as in past years and we sometimes think of them as identical but they all have their own personality.
The Little Wekiva River is inching up after another round of Winter rains and is once again encroaching on the observation area for the rangers.
The river is typically much lower during the Winter months. Sometimes we can even hop to the other side but not this year.
Net 21 was pretty soggy but at least we still have our small bridge on the way out. We have lost several after a big deluge.
Signs of Bobcat remain as we still see scat near Net 22, their chosen bathroom stop.
By Net 12, Bertram's Airplane was found clinging to an oak branch.
Common Nightshade is beginning to bloom up and down the net lanes in preparation for Spring.
As we were wrapping up the morning a bird flew in past us and we took a few seconds to get a shot. A Red-shouldered Hawk was prowling along the river. We got out before the next round of rains and prepared for next week.
Saturday, February 6th, is the 4th Annual Lake Apopa Wildlife and Birdapalooza at Magnolia Park. We will be banding there again. Send some birds our way!
Next (planned) Banding Day at Lake Lotus: Sunday, February 14th.
All nets will be opened by 6:40 A.M.
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