We had an early surprise. The park made some signs to direct people toward us.
We never know what kind of day we are going to have. Especially after last year's record shattering capture rate. We were once again gathering birds not long after we opened the nets and the bags began to be added to the branches before banding actually commenced
Gray Catbirds were plentiful today. Some years we will only catch a couple but they were all over the property this year.
Our second bird surprised us. The first of two Orange-crowned Warblers we got. Think this is the first time we have gotten them out here.
One flock no one was happy to see was a flock of Paragliders frightening birds all around the marshes.
A Limpkin flew in to feed behind the net. It found many shelled snack over the hours it searched and the shore was littered with the discarded bits.
The most common bird we catch at the Wetlands is the Myrtle (Yellow-rumped) Warbler. They led the totals today as they usually do.
Flying in from across the road was a White-eyed Vireo. Lynn got a photo of Andrew taking a photo.
Here is Andrew's view.
"What did you guys put on me?"
The next Myrtle Warbler, a male beginning to molt into Spring plumage.
One of Andrew's co-workers in the the "real world" arrived in time to release the next Myrtle Warbler.
The group of visitors consisted of a bunch of very happy kids.
Becki and Killian prepare the table for the rest of the day.
Time for a hike! At the end of the net line a Turkey Vulture takes wing over the grassy marsh.
A distant Hammock around the corner is one of our favorite vistas.
A White Ibis watched us walk by as it rested on a moss covered tree.
A friend mentioned 19 Black-crowned Night Herons resting around the corner. Most of them were hard to see as they perched deep in the branches.
In drier years this spot is usually being used by large American Alligators sunning on the mud. With the high water only a few young gators float through the water.
Trying to stay hidden, a Black-bellied Whistling Duck sleeps on the far bank.
The Orlando Wetlands are a great place to find Purple Gallinules. Today they were especially visible, walking this way...
...and that.
A small note alerted us to look to the right. A Marsh Wren was perched on top of the grass before disappearing again.
Tree Swallows were all over the place out on the impoundments. At times they would fly a foot away from you on their way from one insect to the next. They are notoriously hard to photograph as they zip past.
Ospreys began to hunt as the day warmed up.
In the next impoundment a Great Egret frames a splash of yellow.
We will leave Part 1 with a female Anhinga resting on a snag out in the water.
Stay tuned for Part 2. A lot more birds to follow.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, February 28th.
All nets will be opened by 6:20 A.M.
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