Today was Gray Catbird day. They were the most captured species throughout the morning.
House Wrens were calling in various locations but we only netted a single bird that was first banded two years ago.
Just when it occurred to us that we had yet to hear a single Eastern Phoebe, one found a net down the lanes.
We caught a couple of Hermit Thrushes. Both were juveniles and very fluffy against the cold.
Time for a trip out to the lake. Skies were super clear and Moon was nice and crisp.
Myrtle Warblers (Yellow-rumped Warbler) are increasing in numbers and are now found mainly coming through the marsh and out over the lake.
At the mouth of the river a Pied-billed Grebe fed in the shallow water in front of the fishing pier.
A Tricolored Heron joined the grebe after sneaking through the grasses.
Cattails are shedding and they are getting plenty of help from the increasing winds.
As stated, Myrtle Warbler numbers are increasing and we finally got our first one of the season.
Once we banded the Myrtle Warbler Richard called for a group photo.
On our final net check we got a handsome Swamp Sparrow to round out the day.
It should be a little warmer next weekend. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, November 27th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.
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