We caught several Carolina Wrens today. All of them were recaptures.
Gray Catbirds were the next most captured species. All of them were recaptures with one of the birds first being banded nearly 3 years ago.
One of our visitors, Christin, extracted and got to release the first Catbird of the day.
Butterflies and Skippers are making their presence known as the flowers and trees come into full bloom. A Spicebush Swallowtail, (Papilio troilus), was busy in the Lantana patch most of the morning.
Down in the Caesar Weed, a pair of Ladybugs cuddle close.
We began hearing the hiss of the recently fledged Barred Owl before dawn and we were searching for it for quite a while. Eventually it was spotted high in the Cypress tree that is the nest site of the owls. Chunky looking little baby.
While one of the adults was in a nearby tree tearing into breakfast, the other flew in and landed right next to us. Maybe it was making sure we weren't trying to get to baby or it was waiting for some scraps from the table. Either way, it made for some nice photos.
Our final bird of the day was one of our returning Northern Parula. They breed here on the property and are loud and proud.
Alysa is a 2nd time visitor and she got to release the Northern Parula.
It was a much better Sunday and migration is beginning to kick up in earnest. We should get more and more birds per week as Spring arrives next week. As long as that pesky wind stays away!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, March 19th.
All nets will be opened by 7:00 A.M.
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