We had a very dry week and we were hoping to have no troubles getting to Net 21 at the end of the lanes which were flooded last week. Then, Saturday afternoon gifted us with rains that lasted until around 10 PM. Hopes dimmed. No way we could get out there this week, right? Well, it was flooded, but we could skip over the small pass with a strong jump. Most of us with longer legs, anyway.

Andrew had brought in palettes in preparations for last week so he placed them in the muddy lane leading to the net, replacing one that was rotting away. Migrants were being heard all along the river so we didn't want to miss a chance to catch some at the end of the lanes. Turned out to be a good decision.

Our first bird of the day was actually the last we banded last weekend. A juvenile Carolina Wren was in Net 2, behind the banding table.

The next trip to Net 21 yielded a large feeding flock of migrant. At one point we had 5 Prothonotary Warblers in view at one time which is rare. This birds are usually seen one at a time. Also out with them were Yellow-thoated, Yellow, Black and White, Prairie, and the Prothonotary Warblers, Northern Parula, Red-eyed Vireo, woodpeckers, Titmice, Cardinals...all sorts of birds moving through.
While watching them, we captured one of the Prothonotary Warblers.

The next bird that came in was another juvenile Carolina Wren near the table area.

Though the day was a bit sultry, it was fairly cool under the oaks. It is always a pretty morning out in the woods.

Right next to where that shot was taken Christine noticed an Argiope with prey.

For the first time ever, we captured a second Prothonotary Warbler in one day. They were all over by the lake today.

Back at Net 21 a Black and White Warbler was feeding all over the trees but never went into the net just feet away. Still fun to watch as it moves along the trees.

Still grateful for all of our clearing friends, the Air Potato Beetle. Lets us move through the days knowing they can clear the plants better than us as they gnaw through those invasive vines. Saves us so much time and energy.

While we were closing up for the morning, we found a Northern Parula in Net 21. That makes that net the main net of the day! Use to be it always was but last year it fell short. Fingers crossed that it returns to our most productive spot as it had been until last year. Just need to keep it above the water line.

We did hear an Ovenbird today and this is the time we usually start to get them, along with Waterthrushes. Let the fun begin!!!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, August 20th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.