Inches of rain fell in the month of July but, fortunately, we only lost one palette to the flooding. Two more were brought in to replace that one and one that is falling apart. Sadly, more rain from last week flooded the end of the trail again so we could not make it out there today. The good news is that when we came out to clean up before this weekend we found that those previous floods actually cleared out the vegetation that can take a day to clear.
As for birds, the only game in town today were Carolina Wrens. All of the juveniles are out and about but still feeding with the adults. The first bird was disgraced with a poor cell phone shot since the SD card was out of the regular camera. Still, it was the first bird of the year, so...
The next bird was an adult but the last was another juvenile heavily molting into the adult stage and was more interesting. Feathers were found in Net 11 and probably was a Northern Cardinal but we did not get to band it.
There was a feeding flock seen during the morning that was full of interesting birds. Too bad that they were 30 feet up in the pines and oaks. Among them were migrants like Yellow-throated Vireos, Black and White Warblers, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Prairie Warbler, and locals like a lot of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and Tufted Titmice.
Our archives show that we typically begin to capture migrants in mid-August so we are hopeful. All poles are secured and anchor lines are in place, with new clothes pins marking each position. Time to record some data!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, August 13th.
All nets will be opened by 6:25 A.M.
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