Our first bird was a Hermit Thrush but the photo was too embarrassing to share. The following birds were House Wrens
We recaptured one of our resident Brown Thrashers a bit later.
Another recapture was brought in later. An adult male Ruby-crowned Kinglet we first banded nearly two years ago.
Our final bird of the day was a juvenile Eastern Phoebe and then things grew quiet except for the nearby sound of an Indigo Bunting.
Our visitors today found a new bird in the river for us. Three female Hooded Mergansers were paddling in the Little Wekiva but soon disappeared. Andrew found a male back were he usually sees them during the season so they are back. Perhaps the weather will begin to clear by next week. That would be nice.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, November 19th.
All nets will be opened by 6:20 A.M.
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