The Orlando Wetlands Festival returned after taking 2017 off and it turned into a worthwhile venture by the end of the day. Reports are coming in on the positive side from visitors and staffers alike.

We began setting nets before dawn and our first bird of the day as the Sun cleared the horizon was a Gray Catbird.

Fog was expected in the morning but we thought that would be before dawn. Instead, is was perfectly clear until around 8 AM. Looking down the road from our nets you can see the fog begin to creep in from the West.

When there is a break in the action we get a chance to explore the property bit by bit. Just past the nets we discovered a long trail of Otter tracks heading toward the main ponds.

Where the track ran out, a single Black-bellied Whistling Duck basked in the sunrise just across the water.

A couple of Black-crowned Night Herons were already in the nearby trees but more were flying in from the East.

Yellow-rumped Warblers are typically the more numerous captured birds at this event. Today we only caught one that was giving us an earful.

As we set nets, Rebecca heard a Yellow-breasted Chat calling back in the brush. She an Lynn tried to lure it into the open with no luck. Soon they hiked to try for other birds.

10 minutes later, Andrew heard a squawk and turned to see a Mockingbird swooping at one of the nets and back into the trees. Was that something relaxing in that same net? Yep. The Yellow-breasted Chat! The first we have ever captured and banded. Word soon spread and everyone waiting for the event to officially begin headed over to the table.

Yellow-breasted Chats are very shy. You can often hear them calling but they rarely come out into the open. Thanks, Mr. Mockingbird, for chasing it our way!

Shortly after 9 AM, the buses and tractors started rolling tours through the wetland and straight between our mist nets. We still managed more birds along the way.

Common Ground Doves are a bit large for our nets but we did get 2 out of the 5 in the area.

One female Ruby-crowned Kinglet hit the nets today.

Killian brought his sister along and she got a chance to release the bird. It was playing shy but left after it was handed off back to Andrew.

Some of the visitors were watching the nets for a while and soon alerted us to a bird at the end of the lane.

It was an adult female Black and White Warbler.

One of our young visitors got the opportunity to release her.

Nothing makes kids smile more than holding and releasing an amazing flying creature.

More birds from some of our short hikes. Limpkin were fairly obvious in many areas around the wetlands. Looks like there is plenty of food.

Out at the Cypress Hammock dozens of Roseate Spoonbills gathered to rest and bathe.

It is always nice to spot a Glossy Ibis this time of year as they flash and shimmer in the morning light.

Most of the American Coots are flocking together on the far side of the wetlands but a few linger closer to the main entrance.

A Snowy Egret grabbed a snack and flew up into a tree to enjoy it.

We were hearing Swamp Sparrows all morning. Only one braved the wide open.

Another lucky guest got to release the Swamp Sparrow back into the woods.

Northern Cardinals were teasing us all morning just past the net lanes but began to get closer later in the day.

Then the next Bird of the Day flew into the nets near the wishing well. It was brought back to Andrew. No one could make an ID as they headed back. Once out of the bag it was determined it had to be one of two vireo species. We consulted our books and determined it was definitely a Philadelphia Vireo. Reports are that this might be the first official record of this species in the Winter at the Orlando Wetlands in Florida!

The Philadelphia Vireo is also a Life Bird for everyone. One of our regular visitors got the honor of releasing it. (Update: this bird is still being seen daily since it was banded. It is staying in the same area.)

One more male Northern Cardinal was banded before the winds kicked up and we headed home.

Which made this American Alligator very happy. All it wanted to do was get out of this pond and head elsewhere. Your turn, Smiley...

Great day and glad to be back at the Wetlands. Trees are now going into full bloom so we hope to have a good morning back 'home' next Sunday.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, February 25th.
All nets will be opened by 6:25 A.M.