Next up was a House Wren in Net 23 by the marsh. They are not usually captured in that habitat. It was also a recapture from a couple of months ago.
Then, a Hermit Thrush was brought in. They have been rather scarce this year for whatever reason. This bird was first banded just over 2 years ago.
Things were a little quiet before we were hit with a wave of Ruby-crowned Kinglets. We captured 4 in different nets in less than 20 minutes. Must have found feeding time! All were females.
As the winds began to gust around 20 mph we caught our last bird of the morning which was a Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle sub-species).
It was a rather interesting bird, though. We can't recall seeing all of the rufus colored feathers on a Yellow-rump. Hmmm...
Here is hoping the winds stay away next week. This is about the time that we see an increase in captures as we edge toward Spring.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, February 11th.
All nets will be opened by 6:35 A.M.
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