Mama American Alligator was in front of the pier soaking in the sunlight. Far across the lake, a male was bellowing in search of a mate.
Near the Window on the Lake, a male Anhinga in full breeding plumage takes some time to dry its feathers.
From that point on, the boardwalk is still closed off in a couple of places due to needed repair after Hurricane Irma.
Many large oaks came crashing down in several areas of the boardwalk. The rangers are steadily making progress on fixing the closed sections when they can.
Just before the playground, a nice large Tiger Swallowtail grabs a few rays of light.
We opened the nets for our regular Sunday outing and soon had an Ovenbird in hand. All of the migrants we captured today revealed traces of fat stores, showing that they are bulking up before their trip North.
Gray Catbirds are certainly getting restless and we captured a couple during the morning. Most were staying closer to the river and grabbing Nightshade berries one after another.
Northern Cardinals are out and about, too. This recaptured male was first banded 2 1/2 years ago.
Mock Bishop's Weed (Ptilimnium capillaceum) is spreading all around Net 18 and up the path to Net 10.
Another strikingly colored adult Ovenbird was banded as the winds continued to increase, lowering our chances of catching more birds.
Our final bird of the day was a female Northern Cardinal.
Out in the marsh across from Net 23, baby American Alligators were enjoying their time in the warmth.
We only had Opossums, a ranger, and a few Raccoon trip the trail cam during the week. The only exception was this small-looking Bobcat passing by in the daytime.
We are looking forward to banding during Earth Day next weekend. However, there are some extended forecasts already calling for rain and more wind. Stay tuned...
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 22nd.
All nets will be opened by 7:30 A.M. but the park does not open until 8:30 to the general public.
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