Our first bird was a juvenile female Northern Cardinal who was not feeling like being photographed. At least she didn't bite.
The 2nd Veery of the season was next. It was also a hatch-year bird.
We were feeling the time was right for Common Yellowthroats and visitors Louis and Mary called us over to say one was in Net 10. It was a female.
Shortly afterwards, a White-eyed Vireo was brought to the table. Usually, these Vireos have dull irises until adults but we have some here that still retain that coloration after reaching that age. The other clue is the inside of their bills that turn from dark gray to white as they age. This one is white so we call it an adult like others we have captured many times in a row over the years.
Andrew was explaining that when we catch Tufted Titmice it is usually the majority of the family at one time. Today, they were scattered about and we caught one right behind the table.
Ovenbirds were calling in the area and we caught one today.
Next, we caught another juvenile Carolina Wren that had yet to be banded this season.
15 minutes later, another was captured and we thought it was the same bird we just released but instead, it was a bird we banded a few weeks ago.
Possibly our youngest visitors got to release a Carolina Wren (with the help Mom). Blink and you miss it but we have a good batch of kids very interested in bird science this year.
Another Veery was captured just after we saw a few in the trees in the area after and Brown Thrasher escaped Net 13.
Our next Common Yellowthroat was a juvenile male. Mask is just forming.
Down by Net 18, Two-leaf Nightshade, (Solanum diphyllum) is fruiting. Christine got a shot of the berries. Birds, especially Cardinals feast on the fruit. It is poisonous to humans.
Once, again, a singular Tufted Titmouse was captured and banded.
Northern Parula are still calling and it was a nice surprise to get an adult male today.
Our next bird was a classic adult White-eyed Vireo full of fat suggesting it was migrating through the area.
Andrew had been seeing a Red-femured Orb Weaver near the river for weeks but every time he tried to get a shot it scurried back to a hiding place in the leaves. Today, we had one spread out near Net 10.
Our final bird of the day was a nice special addition to our list. The first banded Eastern Wood Pewee at Lake Lotus.
We see them this time of year before they head farther South. However, they usually stay at the tops of the trees. It must have been lured by some food source this morning. Good for us.
Flycatchers are typically a conundrum for us as we do not get that many. Measurements are always taken to verify the species and we we finally decided on Eastern Wood Pewee.
Adding to our confidence of the ID, our other visitor, Gigi, heard an Eastern Wood Pewee earlier in the day in the same spot. She got the opportunity to release our great bird today.
Florence is winding down and moving up the coast. We will see what the weather changes bring us next weekend when we are joined by the Lake County Audubon group that is scheduled to join us on Sunday.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, September 23rd.
All nets will be opened by 6:45 A.M.
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