Most of our day was filled with recaptured Carolina Wrens, all juveniles banded in 2018 and roaming the lanes like crazy.
Christine had a couple of visitors from the UK, Sakkara and Jonathan, join us and got a tour of the banding process.
Also joining us were Melinda and Ron who got to release a few of our Carolina Wrens.
This female Northern Cardinal was actually recaptured threes times today. Seems that she is nest building and moving all over the center of the lanes. Her brood patch (and nasty attitude) seem to confirm our thoughts. She was biting everything in sight.
Just at the end of the day, we finally captured a migrant. A recaptured Ovenbird.
Local birds all over the area think we have hit Spring. No wonder since we are in the solid mid-80s for a while. February usually sees at least one cold snap, but the forecast is not looking like it this year. We shall see how many other local and scarce migrants move around next Sunday.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, February 24th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.
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