First out of the box was a Gray Catbird. They have been very elusive this past year so it was nice to have an adult on its way back home early this morning.
Northern Waterthrushes have been in the area for 2 weeks but have stayed next to the river and not crossed the lanes as they usually do. It was a great addition to the captures today.
Another Black-throated Blue Warbler hit the nets this morning. All males for the last two weeks.
It was soon followed by another adult Gray Catbird. Interesting to note that all of our migrants show no signs of fat stored up for the journey home.
A Brown Thrasher, previously banded a few weeks ago, was brought in soon afterwards. They are getting really active during breeding season.
A Carolina Wren with a brood patch was our next capture.
We are still wondering why one of our resident Simpkin was up in the trees near Net 19 today. Typically, they stay at the lake and sometimes the edge of the river near there, Today, this one was hanging out in the oaks for quite some time.
On a weekly jaunt into the woods, Andrew found a Leather Flower in bloom. One of our favorite plants located on the property.
April is full of Northern Parulas with chicks calling and parents feeding them constantly. We usually catch the males as they are the most typical feeders. Today we captured a female.
Back near the banding table, we had a caterpillar crossing the path. Further research revealed it is a Pipeline Swallowtail. Not sure where any of the host plants are around here, but...
We finished the morning with a stunning American Redstart male.
Migration is coming to a close soon. Hoping to get a few more migrants as we head into the last month of banding.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, May 5th in our usual spot.
All nets will be opened by 6:10 A.M.
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