A bundled up Shannen got to process our first bird of the day right after dawn, a recaptured Hermit Thrush.
Gray Catbirds ruled the day with four captured. Our split-billed bird from last week hit the nets twice.
A new visitor, Christian, got to release the processed Gray Catbird.
Shhh...It is a secret. We have resurrected Net 21 for a bit to see what we can get out near the lake. It paid off with a Western Palm Warbler. Many other birds are out there that do not travel up the lanes so we will test it again for a few weeks until the conditions change.
Jenny's friend Sam got to release the Western Palm Warbler.
Angela is about to embark on a new job opportunity but she got to process the last Gray Catbird of the day before she has to take a break from Lotus.
There were not a lot of birds moving compared to last week but we did spot our first Swallow-tailed Kite flyover and we found a Baltimore Oriole, the first recorded by us ever at this site but we know they are found not far from the lake every year. Just not the best habitat around here.
Daylight Savings time this Sunday. Clocks move forward one hour. Plan accordingly!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, March 8th.
All nets will be opened by 7:20 A.M.
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