Sunday, March 9, 2025

Understaffed and Less Time

We had our time change and Sprung Forward. Unfortunately, only Andrew and Connie showed up. Others had other planned outtings or had previous plans. Also, since the time changed, we were only out a shorter time. Although, being shourt-handed, it did time out to 3 hours which is about what we usually end up doing during Standard time.

Our first birds were a couple recaptured Hermit Thrushes. Migration is gearing up as migrants start to get ready to head North.

Hermit Thrush

Gray Catbirds are still being secretive, but we did get one today.

Gray Catbird

Next we caught a Carolina Wren and a Yellow-rumped Warbler that is quickly transitioning to its Spring plumage.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

House Wrens are getting ready to leave but not without some jewelry.

House Wren

We got two Northern Cardinals this morning.

Northern Cardinal

Down at Net 13, we found a nice set of captures. Two Northern Parula males were side by side, maybe 4 inches apart. Probably chasing one another defending territory. Nesting is in full-swing for them. One was a recapture and the other new.

Northern Parula

Finally, we caught one more Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Next week will see a cold front arriving bringing high winds and rain so we are skipping the 16th. Hoping to get back out on the 23rd.


Today's Totals

Birds Processed New Recaptured Total
Northern Cardinal 1 1 2
Hermit Thrush 0 2 2
Gray Catbird 1 0 1
House Wren 1 0 1
Carolina Wren 1 0 1
Northern Parula 1 1 2
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle Warbler) 2 0 2
Totals 7 4 11

Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, March 23rd.
All nets will be opened by 7:20 A.M.

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