We captured a lot of adult Catbirds heading home, a new Brown Thrasher, a Blue Jay recaptured after being banded a year and a half ago, a new Carolina Wren, a recaptured House Wren, some recaptured Titmice, and the biggest surprise was a recaptured Hermit Thrush. Thought they would have flown home a while ago!
We figured you all know what those birds look like so we weren't focused on focusing. Forgive us this week. Susan did photograph one of the interesting bits of fauna, however. With all of the oaks blooming and sprouting out, many Tussock moths were seen in the area.
Meanwhile, back at Maria's house, Carolina Wrens have made a home and deposited a few eggs.
Nearby, Mourning Dove chicks are trying to force out some feathers.
New Life all over the place. Definitely Spring.
Next week is the Earth Day event in the park proper. See below for more info!
Next Banding Day: Sunday, April 25th.
We will open around 6:30 A.M. but the event does not begin officially until 10:00 A.M.
However, there is an early event scheduled for bird watching which begins at 7:30 A.M. See this link for more information.
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