Next up, a male Common Yellowthroat.
An adult Carolina Wren joined the mix soon afterward.
Susan happened upon a Common Green Darner and got some shots before placing it in the Sun to continue the warm up.
Then the day went quiet and the winds began to increase. We couldn't find the Limpkins in their usual spots. Soon we relocated the pair. Both up on the fishing pier railings.
Down below, a handsome Pied-billed Grebe poses before a dive.
Almost overlooked, a female Wood Duck glides toward the shore.
We have been hearing a wonderful noise again in the area. Great-crested Flycatchers have returned.
Besides the Great-crested Flycatchers we also heard our first of the season Chimney Swifts twittering overhead. Those hardy "Wheep!"s of the flycatchers were all over, though.
Bob spotted one of the Barred Owls fly in with a large prey item. It was soon relocated across the river and our newest volunteer, Lynn, got a shot before the bird was spooked by some park visitors. It was determined the prey was a large (very!) rat.
Not long before leaving we captured a couple of Yellow-rumped Warblers.
One the way our to the cars we had a pair of Swallow-tailed Kites soaring above us.
One Swallow-tailed Kite even seemed to be carrying nesting material.
Migrants are being reported more and more. Perhaps we can capture some next week.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 7th.
All nets will be opened by 6:40 A.M.
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