A male Common Yellowthroat brightened up the still-dark dawn.
So does this male Northern Cardinal. Look familiar? We started last week's post with him. He seems to like nets. Or just can't figure out how to avoid them yet.
A lingering Winter visitor, a House Wren, showed up soon enough.
We have not captured any Red-winged Blackbirds yet this Spring but it shouldn't be long. The males are all on territory and singing.
Females are busily moving about and picking out nesting sites.
Just beyond that bird, an American Alligator slips by in the early sunlight.
We started hearing Barred Owls as usual before dawn but today there was a new sound. The hiss of a baby out of the nest and up in the trees.
One of the adult Barred Owls stayed close by. They were both directly over Net 7 and we decided it best to close this net early just to avoid any offerings to the owls.
The day began to warm and Honey Bees and Bumble Bees began visiting the wildflowers.
Checking the nest boxes, we found the usual collection of Flying Squirrels in a couple of boxes. No nesting birds.
Another box held a single Cuban Treefrog.
We did catch our first Louisiana Waterthrush of the Spring which was nice. In fact, we caught this same bird 3 times today as it made its way down the river toward the lake.
Western Palm Warblers are in their Spring finery and will be heading out shortly.
Black-and-White Warblers call Florida home most of the year but it is still a treat to get one in the nets.
Finally, Net 11 captured a male Downy Woodpecker. Last year, this species nested in a dead tree just across the river and they will certainly try again soon.
We will be watching the weather for next Sunday as a front should be pressing South and causing our rain chances to rise. Hopefully, we can get some time in as the following week will have us across the river on Earth Day.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 14th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.
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