We were treated with the high-pitched whistles of Cedar Waxwings as they fed at the tops of the Florida Black Cherries all morning. This is usually the last tree we see them at before they all head North.
Common Yellowthroats are starting to move around again. This female was captured out near the lake where they are heard most often.
A female Ruby-throated Hummingbird was captured and released at the nets. We do not have the special permit to band hummingbirds.
In the middle of the net lanes we captured a Tufted Titmouse. Another flew into the net as this one was removed but escaped before reaching it.
The Tufted Titmouse flew up to a nearby tree after release and couldn't make sense of her new jewelry.
An adult Carolina Wren was caught next to where the Titmice were. Most of the local adult birds captured today had brood patches so babies are just emerging or not too far from heading into the woods.
Red-shouldered Hawks were seen several times carrying nest material and cruising the area.
We have finally gotten some good rains and the vegetation shows it. Even the fungus are reawakening along the trails.
A male Common Yellowthroat was captured, also down by the lake.
Butterflies are making a bigger appearance. Zebra Longwings were visiting the Spanish Needles.
A Northern Parula was foraging around one of the tangerine trees and headed directly into a net across the lane.
Finally, another baby Carolina Wren from the same spot as the one we banded two weeks ago and joins the numbered and was released back to the family site.
A nice mix even on a day cut short by rain. One month remains in our banding session before we take a two month break. Still a chance for some migrants next week.
NOTE: No banding on the 5th. Rained out.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, May 12th.
All nets will be opened by 6:10 A.M.
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