We did catch a Carolina Wren not long after dawn. At first it looked like a Waterthrush in the gloom but no such luck. This was a recaptured adult.
A couple juveniles were captured next near the table. Becki banded one and several more Wrens during the morning. In fact, all we captured today were Carolina Wrens.
The first week of August is typically slow as migration is just getting underway. The water didn't help. However, we do catch more than birds during the day including dragonflies and moths. This Sphinx Moth got tangled early on.
It looks a bit more attractive once it is removed from the net.
Slightly larger was a female Ox Beetle.
You can tell it is a slow day when Andrew is headed out for yard work. Net 21 needs some attention.
The rest of the day was taken up by discovery by the crew. The Leopard Moth caterpillars are getting much larger. Plenty to eat!
Another caterpillar wanders the vegetation. Looks like an Armyworm.
We can't recall seeing Manatee Tree Snails in the past but they are found every time out this year.
Along the river, a Leopard Frog makes a leap into the oxeye and tries to pretend it is not there.
Once the Sun climbed higher in the morning sky the insects began to come out and pose nicely. Blue-ringed Dancers jockey for positions all down the net lanes.
When the insects come out, so do the predators. It is good to see a Green Anole instead of the invading Cuban Anole for once.
Leaf-footed Bugs are returning in force. This one seems to be missing a leg.
This one seemed to have been working out those thighs!.
Rain chances are dropping a bit for the coming week. Hopefully we can see just our regular dew instead of a soaking and start catching some migrants.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, August 11th.
All nets will be opened by 6:15 A.M.
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