Our first bird of the morning was an Ovenbird.
Then, we caught a blurry male Northern Cardinal.
Followed by a female Northern Cardinal.
Our next 1A bird was a Gray Catbird.
As the weather warms up the spiders come out. It is hard to miss the large webs of the Golden Silk Spider.
We then brought in an adult male Common Yellowthroat.
Our final capture of the day was an adult Carolina Wren. We should start capturing the new round of juveniles next month.
On the way out, we spied our newest baby Barred Owl tucked in the tree top.
Seems like the majority of migrants where on the West coast this week. Hopefully we can get more of them next Sunday.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 17th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.
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