We caught a pair of Northern Cardinals in the same net. Nesting is in full swing!
Also just off the nest is a foraging Carolina Wren.
This is probably the last of the House Wrens for the season. They come down in the Fall and stay all through the Winter. Last week they were singing.
Not much out on the lake today. Didn't even hear a Common Gallinule. Must be busy. Something did make a quick appearance out near the Window on the Lake. An American Bittern. Seconds after this shot it simply vanished back into the vegetation.
For some reason it has been pretty quiet around Net 21 since we moved it into the Willow and Maples. Just not much feeding down there. However, today we had two birds caught at the same time. First was a male Common Yellowthroat.
The best surprise was the bird right next to it. An Indigo Bunting! Seems like we manage to catch one around Earth Day which is next Friday.
Nick got to hold and release the Indigo Bunting for its remaining journey to the North.
Great-crested Flycatchers have been back for weeks but they are staying high in the trees so far.
Our final bird of the day was another species we see around Earth Day. A Black-throated Blue Warbler. We will have to wait for next Fall to see anymore of them.
A rather interesting day until the wind picked up again.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, April 24th.
All nets will be opened by 6:30 A.M.
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