An extra special thanks to Chris for bringing in a great trimmer to help us clear the leftovers. It actually helped us eliminate the extra day of clearing that we had planned. We got all the way down to the lake at Net 21 and touched up the encroaching invasives along the lanes.
Andrew was armed with the pruners to clear any branches between all of the sight-lines between the poles and tidy up any new leaning trees in the area.
Richard began by pulling some potato vines from Nets 4 and 11.
Maria was in full-on vine pulling at Net 7.
Susan and Richard continued to work farther down by Net 14. We pulled a lot of other weeds throughout the property.
Becky arrived a bit later and touched up some spots along the lanes.
As the day warmed up, we found a few Air Potato Beetles that were not evident last week. Chris and Andrew found a nice population between Nets 22 and 16 so they are here. Just not as much as in past years. Several of us are on the waiting list to receive more beetles to distribute at the banding site and other areas in the Central Florida surroundings.
We will continue work on the vines as needed but the beetles should support us a bit while we begin our 9th year at Lake Lotus. Bring on the early migrants!
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, July 31st.
All nets will be opened by 7:00 A.M.
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