As expected, we only captured juvenile birds today and all were Carolina Wrens. There are also a lot of Cardinal families around but they stayed tucked away this morning.
While Richard was extracting our first Wren, a curious juvenile Barred Owl flew over and landed across from the net after being drawn to the sound of the alarm calls of the other young bird.
Lynn is is away for today so instead of her section that we have featured in the past we will have "Becki's Nature Finds"! First up, a male Blue-ringed Dancer was resting on a stalk. They are our most numerous damselflies on the property.
Nearby, a female Blue-ringed Dancer landed. No surprise.
An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail fed on the waning blooms of a Button Bush.
Nearly hidden, a Bush Katydid prowls along the Air Potato.
They must be nesting somewhere (or already did) because the Green Herons are always in the same area week after week.
Another critter that loves the Button Bush flowers is a Horace's Duskywing.
There have been a few around for a few weeks but it is always a joy to find a Yellow-throted Warbler as they hop through the foliage.
Out on the boardwalk, the Scarlet Mallow is in full display.
Down below Net 14 a school of Armoured Catfish are digging caves into the clay in the river bed.
Right on time, this Louisiana Waterthrush was feeding around Net 18. See the net? No? It is about 10 feet beyond the bird. We hoped it would be our first migrant catch of the Session but it decided to stay on the edge of the water and never flew back toward the net. Oh, well...
We are off next week but will return to our normal schedule on the 14th. More migrants should be heading down by then, too.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, August 14th.
All nets will be opened by 6:25 A.M.
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