Northern Cardinals have been very vocal the past few weeks but they have been feasting on berries up in the trees. Today we recaptured an adult male.
There was a nice surprise. A Worm-eating Warbler, our 4th ever captured at this location.
Then, just when you are trying to get your photo taken, some Human has to photo bomb ya!
A Northern Waterthrush added to our migrant count. Still only hearing a sing Gray Catbird out there. Where the heck are they?
Nick, Connie, Chris, and Avery help out as Andrew quickly processes and releases birds.
Out along the net lanes, Maria was being stalked by a native Green Anole.
Not as many Ovenbirds captured today but always a delight.
A Carolina Wren banded earlier in the year is molting into more adult-like feathers.
For the second day in a row, the final bird captured was a juvenile male Common Yellowthroat.
Lynn found our Barred Owl pair nuzzling each other.
Not a bad weekend haul. Numbers should continue to increase as we head toward the middle of October. Indigo Buntings should arrive soon. Still, where are those Catbirds?
NOTE: Hurricane Matthew may cancel our weekend. Stay tuned...
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 9th.
All nets will be opened by 6:55 A.M.
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