Second was a surprise unbanded Carolina Wren, a juvenile.
Many young Gray Catbirds were around today and we banded several.
Narrowly edging out the Catbirds were the chattery House Wrens.
Most of the Common Yellowthroats have seemed to have moved through as we caught only one juvenile male this morning.
We have been wondering how long before we would catch our first Eastern Phoebe of the season as they have been so vocal the past few weeks. Today was the day!
An adult White-eyed Vireo was captured about the same time.
Next to the Vireo was a female Black-throated Blue Warbler. Three were caught during our day.
A very colorful Ovenbird was banded. Very orange and olive.
Now that the river level is dropping, the resident Limpkins are returning to feed in the sandy bottom.
There was a discussion early in the day about what species should be returning. The last bird of the morning was one of those we were expecting. Our first Swamp Sparrow of the season down by the lake. Right where they should be.
Nice to have the cooler temperatures returning. Still more species should be coming back in for the Winter as we transition past the peak migration period. Kinglets are making noise along the river. Still waiting for the Palm and Yellow rumped Warblers to show up on property.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, October 30th.
All nets will be opened by 7:05 A.M.
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