Sunday, January 28, 2018

Typical End to January

Business as usual at the banding site for this time of the year. Not a whole lot of warblers around and where did all the Hermit Thrushes go to? We usually get at least one every week but none this year. So we began the day with a local: a female Northern Cardinal. We always offer them a twig so they have something to focus on other than our tender fingers.

Northern Cardinal

Several Ruby-crowned Kinglets were banded. All were females which has been the trend for a while.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Western Palm Warbler seem to really like the Bottle brush trees just beyond the property line but we do capture one every now and then.

Western Palm Warbler

One of our newest volunteers, Angelo, got to release the now banded Western Palm Warbler.

Western Palm Warbler

The Little Wekiva River seemed to look a bit different today. Hurricane Irma really did a number on the landscape.


Earthsmoke, (Fumaria officinalis), always begins to bloom this time of the year and starts its displays by Net 22.


Also nestled around the Earthsmoke is a nice contrasting flowering display of Wild Mustard.


We added a recaptured male Northern Cardinal a little later in the morning.

Northern Cardinal

Up in the woods, Andrew discovered a pile of white feathers of an as yet unidentified snack.


A nice close-up of our final Ruby-crowned Kinglet of the day.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Things wrapped up with our only Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle sub-species) today. There are usually many more around the area but they are keeping to the marsh for the time being. Hoping they will decide to head back to the nets as things begin to warm up.

Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle Warbler

A steady day but we could use more captures. Perhaps next week. There is, yet again, another front forecast to move in and keep us watching the skies.
Next (planned) Banding Day: Sunday, February 4th.
All nets will be opened by 6:40 A.M.

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